Wellness Programs
Wellness programs designed to accommodate people of all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities. This all-encompassing program strives to help the community improve their overall physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
- Exercise classes for all ages with an emphasis on adult wellness, including flexibility, aerobic capacity, and strength.
- Nutritional counseling from a Registered Dietician focusing on making healthy choices.
- Personal training (group and one-on-one) with Exercise Physiologists to build functional strength.
- Youth mentoring provided by community leaders focused on healthy lifestyle through holistic approaches, such as yoga, mindfulness, and meditation.
- Open fitness hours at our wellness facility which includes cardiovascular, strength, and selecterize equipment.
Allied Health Profession Scholarship
The Allied Health Professional Scholarship is one of three scholarships WAM is offering to a student majoring in an Allied Health Profession. More information coming soon!
Ready to Make a Difference?
Contribute a one-time donation or recurring donation to help our community expand their health and creativity.