Wellness Art & Music Center
Giving back to the community through holistic thinking by providing services and availability to all those seeking to expand their knowledge of wellness, art, and music.
The WAM Mantra:
To expand right-brain thinking to the surrounding community and beyond...
The 3 Divisons of WAM
Enhacing physical and mental well-being for those of all ages with programs such as nutrition counseling, yoga & exercise classes, youth mentorship, and more.
Providing an environment for all persons, young and old, interested in visual and performing arts to expand their knowledge and talent.
Offering private and group classes, venues for local musicians to perform, semi-annual recitals to all participants in the program, and much more!
Scholarship Opportunities
Allied Health Profession Scholarship
Creative Art Scholarship
David Collaton Singer-Songwriter Scholarship
Ready to Make a Difference?
Contribute a one-time donation or recurring donation to help our community expand their health and creativity.